Portfolio & Gallery.

The images accessible by the following links highlight a variety of previous projects I have worked upon. Sadly some of my best or most unusual work for high profile clients has been covered by non-disclosure-agreements and so cannot be included in this public portfolio. Nevertheless I hope this gallery shows the range and quality of work I am capable of.

Clicking on any thumbnail photo will access a larger image of the work shown.

Miniature Paintings & Doll's House Artwork.

Copy of Vermeer's Girl with a pearl earing


Copy of Turner's Dutch boats in a gale


Portrait of John Wayne. Size: 38x48mm


Copy of Monet's Bathers at Grenouille. Size: 60x45mm


Copy of Vindfeldt's painting titled out of reach. Size: 45x58mm


Copy of Rembrandt's Nightwatchmen. Size: 65x86mm


Copy of Gainsborough's Blue Boy. Size: 68x48mm


Copy of Dawson's Pirate Cove. Size: 48x40mm


Copy of a fairly generic floral still life. Size: 40x48mm


Copy of Van Gogh's self portrait. Size: 38x45mm


Copy of Ferdinand Bol's 'Elizabeth'. Size: 38x58mm


Copy of a winter landscape by Meorman. Size: 58x45mm


Copy of Edward Hopper's Nighthawks. Size: 60x38mm


Portrait of Audrey Hepburn. Size: 65x38mm


Copy of Ridgway Knight's hailing the ferryman. Size: 65x102mm


Copy of Waterhouse's Lady of Shallot. Size: 102x66mm


Copy of Canaletto’s Return of Bucentoro on Ascension Day - Size 106mm x 65mm


Copy of Yeame’s When did you last see your father? - Size 96mm x 48mm


Copy of Singer Sargent’s Madame X - Size 38mm x 56mm


Copy of an East Anglian coastal painting- Size 54mm x 38mm


Copy of Burton Barbour's the Blessing - Size 56x48mm


Copy of a period nude - Size 28mm x 36mm


Copy of Jacques dath of Marat - Size 25x28mm


Copy of Gainsborough Duchess of Beaufort - Size 48x56mm


Copy of a simple still life - Size 25x22mm


Miniature Dioramas & Scratch Built Models.

1/48th scratch built jungle temple ruin diorama. Size: area shown approx. 250mm square

1/48th scale

1/43rd scale scratch built diorama

1/43rd scale

1/72nd scale crashed Sopwith camel constructed from a heavily modified and super-detailed plastic kit. Size: fuselage approx. 90mm long

1/72nd scale

1/12th scale taxidermy shop window display featuring a variety of scratch built and hand sculpted items. Size: area shown approx. 240mm tall

1/12th scale

Scratch build diorama produced as competition entry under the title 'the end of the line' Size: 300mm wide

1/43rd scale

Super-detailed and heavily modified 1/1200th kit of the RMS Titanic in a hand sculpted seascape. Size:  approx. 240mm long

1/1200th scale

1/24th scale scratch built diorama of an overgrown garden. Size: area shown approx. 250mm wide

1/24th scale

Scratch built illuminated diorama depicting a secret assignation Size: 100mm square

1/48th scale

Scratch built novelty micro model of a WWII aircraft Size: 12mm wingspan

1/1000th scale

1/35th scale diorama depicting a scene from the Ardennes forest in WWII utilising a variety of scratch built and commercially mass produced kits. Size: area shown approx. 250mm square

1/35th scale

1/24th scratch built and hand sculpted depiction of a WWII evacuee. Size: area shown 180mm wide

1/24th scale

1/48th scratch built diorama

1/48th scale

1/43rd scale photo backdrop scratch built  for a railway modelling client. Size: area shown approx. 800mm wide

1/43rd scale

1/12th scale scratch build depiction of a robin's nest. Size: 40mm wide

1/12th scale

1/76th scale scratch build derelict building from a larger project. Size: 70mm wide

1/76th scale

Scratch built and hand sculpted  fantasy diorama of Nymphs and fairies at play. Size: 100mm square

1/48th scale

1/12th scale scratch build kitchen range with inbuilt flickering fire light effects. Size: 140mm wide

1/12th scale

Detail from a much larger scratch built 1/43rd scale architectural model. Size: area shown 90mm wide

1/43rd scale

Fine Scale Model Kit Construction & Painting.

Crude 1/144th scale child's toy repainted as a result of a bet to prove how much more of an impact use of colour and light has over dimensional accuracy. Size: wingspan 90mm

1/144thth scale

40 year old simple plastic kit quickly assembled and painted and set in a generic scenic backdrop to show the extra impact of helping an otherwise crude model tell a story. Size: area shown 160mm wide

1/35th scale

1/72nd scale super detailed and heavily modified kit of an armoured fighting vehicle. Size: length 80mm

1/72nd scale

1/2400th scale refined and detailed model kit of the NCC-1701 Enterprise. Size: saucer diameter approx. 40mm

1/2400th scale

1/144th scale model of a Wildcat from WWII. Size: wingspan 70mm

1/144th scale

1/43rd scale complex multimedia kit of a rally car. Size: length 100mm

1/43rd scale

Repainted weathered and detailed 'ready to run' OO gauge model railway locomotive. Size: length 270mm

1/76th scale

1/400th scale U-boat diorama based around a heavily modified plastic kit in a hand sculpted seascape. Size: hull approx. 90mm long

1/400th scale

1/152nd scale cast metal miniature tank set in a simple Vignette for display purposes. Size: hull approx. 25mm long

1/152nd scale

1/43rd scale photo-etch brass kit converted to scale7 standards and fitted with working sprung suspension. Size: length 220mm

1/43rd scale

1/12th scale grand piano made from a complex multi media kit that was more an aid to scratch building than a standard kit. Size: length 140mm

1/12th scale

1/144th scale super detailed model depicting a battle damaged military aircraft. Size: wingspan 120mm

1/144th scale

1/35th scale build of a basic plastic kit. Size: length 95mm

1/35th scale

Small Size Sculpting & War Games Figures.

1/10th scale portrait bust. Size: approx.60mm tall

1/10th scale

Cartoon caricature sculpts produced in the common 28mm deform style with big heads and stubby limbs. Size: up to 32mm tall

28mm deform

A modest selection from a range of 1/300th scale sci-Fi war-games sculpts/castings. Size: 6mm tall

1/300th scale

1/12th scale hand sculpted miniature birds. Size: up to 30mm tall

1/12th scale

Raw epoxy putty master sculpt for a 28mm games manufacturer wanting a 'fantasy ice dreadlord' requested to look as if textured like a weathered iceberg. Size: 60mm tall

1/64th scale

Hand sculpted and painted miniature samurai warrior. Size: 24mm tall

1/72nd scale

Cartoon caricature sculpt of a post apocalyptic punk warrior. Size: 40mm tall

1/45th scale

raw epoxy putty master sculpts for some 15mm super hero/villain figures. Size: up to 18mm tall

1/100th scale

Sculpt of a friendly pet dragon. Size: 70mm tall

1/12th scale

1/32nd scale raw epoxy putty master sculpt for a prohibition era gangster. Size: 54mm tall

1/35th scale

1/12th scale dodo skeleton Size: approx.60mm tall

1/12th scale

1/800th scale hand sculpted micro model of Robin Hood shown on a pin head. Size: approx.2mm tall

1/800th scale

Raw epoxy putty master sculpts for a commercial giftware and collectibles manufacturer. Size: average 50mm long

1/6th scale

Simple 1/35th scale cast resin loco driver kit produced for a model railway manufacturer. Size: 54mm tall

1/35th scale

Master sculpts for the playing pieces for a fantasy board game

1/56th scale

Raw epoxy putty master sculpt for a steampunk girl. Size: 32mm tall

1/56th scale

1/10th scale hand sculpted figurine based upon a 1970's comic character. Size: 180mm tall

1/10th scale

Hand sculpted micro-model pet portrait. Size: 3mm tall

1/152nd scale

1/84th scale hand sculpted war-games figures in a traditional toy soldier style. Size: 20mm tall

1/84th scale

OO gauge model railway figures bespoke sculpted for a private collector. Size: 24mm tall

1/76th scale

Early medieval war games figures sculpted/cast to old fashioned true 15m  standards. Size: 15rmm tall

1/120th scale

Raw epoxy putty master sculpt for a post apocalyptic Sc-Fi charcater. Size: 28mm tall

1/64th scale

1/76th scale hand sculpted and painted model Of Elvis from jailhouse rock. Size: 24mm tall

1/76th scale

Cartoon caricature sculpt of willy Wonka. Size: 70mm tall

70mm deform

True 15mm war games sculpt of the Anglo Saxon King Raedweld. Size: 15mm tall

1/120th scale

caricature sculpt of a mischievous pixie. Size: 60mm tall

60mm deform

war games sculpt of a highwayman. Size: 15mm tall

1/120th scale

1/12th scale hand sculpted and painted model of a chameleon. Size: 15mm long

1/12th scale

Hand sculpted and painted Bedouin warrior on his camel. Size: 90mm tall

1/35th scale

Cartoon caricature sculpt of a cat taking an unexpected bath. Size: 45mm tall

1/12th scale

Raw epoxy putty master sculpts for Spy-Fi or pulp gaming figures. Size: 32mm tall

1/56th scale

Cartoon caricature sculpt of a cowboy. Size: 30mm tall

28mm deform

Replica Textiles & Period Costume Work

rayed cloth produced with genuine madder, woad and weld dyed yarn set against a background of undyed natural brown


Very fine sett (~20 ends/cm) Z/Z 2-2 broken diamond twill in undyed natural white; far more accurately replicating the shadow patterns of luxury Birka twills than most coarse chunky replica woollen diamond twills available from elsewhere


Hand sewn stiffened and interlined leather doublet


Narrow woven herringbone wool winningas tape commonly used in the early medieval period as leg wraps or puttees

Early Medieval

When approached by a Living History society to affordably reproduce a mixed batch of generic 'home made' russets, to avoid all their members looking as if they were dressed in matched uniforms from the same factory made bolt of cloth, we were able to produce a range of hues from the undyed woollen yarns I have access to


2-1 twill in undyed naturally grey woollen yarn, sparsely used throughout most of history but particularly common in the period just after the Norman Conquest

Post Conquest

Linen lined coarse woollen tippet hood with long lirilpipe


Fine sett Z/S 2-2 diamond twill in contrasting undyed brown and white yarns; copied for a client from a find from Hadrian's wall but suitable for much of the pre-Norman Conquest period


Coarse kempy undyed russet; these basic woollen fabrics were common through most of history although the Z/S spin combination warp and weft may make this particular example most appropriate for period before the Norman conquest


2-2 Broken diamond twill produced from undyed natural white and genuine woad dyed yarns, used across much of early history up until the Norman Conquest


Detail from an embroidery design completed in naturally dyed wool yarns coloured with madder and weld


Hand sewn stiffened and boned bodies or corsets with simple black-work embroidery


Replica low status, coarse, kempy twill, early medieval tunic artificially distressed, patched and darned to simulated typical use, wear and tear


2-2 Broken diamond twill produced from undyed natural white and genuine madder dyed yarns, used across much of early history up until the Norman Conquest

Pre- Conquest

Replica turn shoes hand sewn from traditionally oak bark tanned and hand dressed leather. Size: approx. 300mm long


Coarse medley russet produced in undyed natural black and brown very kempy yarns. A common low status cloth used through much of history, but in this instance produced for monastic robes


Rayed cloth produced with genuine woad dyed yarn set against a background of undyed natural grey


2-2 Broken diamond twill produced from subtly contrasting tones of kempy undyed naturally grey yarn, used across much of early history up until the Norman Conquest

Pre- Conquest

Details from a Viking tunic made in madder dyed fine weave kreuzkoper twill with decoration completed in naturally dyed wool yarns coloured with madder, woad and weld


Coarse sett Z/S 2-2 twill in pale undyed natural grey kempy yarn  representative of much low status home spun/woven cloth in the early medieval period

Early Medieval

Superficially identical to the previous Z/S 2-2 twill fabric but slightly finer sett and woven using undyed naturally grey kempy fleece  spun to a fractionally higher grist, representative of much low to medium status home spun/woven cloth in the early medieval period

Early Medieval

Replica of an Anglo Saxon rayed cloth produced with genuine madder dyed yarns against background of undyed natural brown


Hand sewn linen lined natural un-dyed grey russet breeches


Coarse kempy undyed russet; these basic woollen fabrics were common through most of history although the Z/S spin combination warp and weft may make this particular example most appropriate for period before the Norman conquest


Historical Re-enactment and Replica Artefacts

Solid silver replica Hiberno Norse arm rings. Size: approx. 80mm diameter

Hiberno Norse

Copy of a double bladed folding bone handled knife. Size: approx. 120mm diameter

Anglo Saxon

Hand carved oak Hnefatfal board and patinated pewter playing pieces. Size: approx. 300mm square


An assortment of different hand carved bone hair/clothes pins from different periods spanning Roman to medieval. Size: up to 150mm long

Multi period

Replica pewter spoons cast in moulds taken directly from surviving period pieces. Size: approx. 200mm long


Aged and distressed cast bronze replica of a medieval prickettt candle stick. Size: approx. 240mm tall


Various styles of replica drop spindles from different periods with whorls made from soapstone, antler and lead alloy. Size: average 200mm long


Copy of a commonplace style of medieval prayer beads carved from cattle bone. Size: each bead approx. 8-12mm diameter


My own personal Viking sea chest hand made from an oak tree sourced from woodlands I used to play in as a child. Size: approx. 900mm long


Hand made  dress pins with spiral bound and traditionally heat fused heads (no ugly modern solders). Size: approx. 30mm long


Various sizes of hand carved bone needles Size: average 50mm long


Lost wax cast bronze replica of a local archaeological find . Size: leather strap approx. 18mm width


Hand steamed, flattened and polished cattle horn cards for tablet weaving decorative braid. Size: approx. 40mm square


Replica Thor's hammer lucky charm or pendant. Size: approx. 30mm wide


Cuir bouille water bottle (hand stitched, waxed and baked rigid leather). Size: approx. 260mm tall


Pair of early medieval ash self knocked longbows with hand braided bow strings. Size: approx. 1800mm long


Cattle horn drinking beakers. Size: approx. 120mm tall


Hand crafted antler and bone comb with case, the runic inscription modified from a famous find to read  'Aidan makes a good comb'. Size: approx. 200mm long


Museum Display & Heritage Education

When approached about building a full size model of a Viking faering for a heritage education project I went one better and working with professional boat builder delivered a fully functional replica used for publicising the project ultimately winning the project a national social enterprise award. Size: approx. 5m long


Raw epoxy putty master sculpt for a museum merchandising figure of Henry VIII. Size: 32mm tall


Interactive educational model, faked period maps and aerial photos for teaching about landscape archaeology in a class room. Size: model 1200mm square


Larger than life model of a stag beetle. Size: 120mm long


Increasingly museum education officers are favouring handling collections for their work and I've now supplied numerous replica wool, linen and leather textile swatches to countless people around the globe who teach about early costume. Size: each swatch approx. 120mm square


Elements of simple stylised graphic design and illustration work for inclusion in children's educational resources Size: n/a

Graphic Design

Selection of replica early medieval coinage prepared for a handling collection for a museum lecture. Size: average 18mm diameter


One of a series of quickly constructed small sized illuminated gallery dioramas telling the story of the peasants revolt. Size: model 250mm square


replica archaeological find finished in an 'as excavated' aged and distressed condition for an educational handling collection Size: 150mm long


Assorted replica silver Viking finger rings. Size: approx. 30mm diameter


Short extract from several pages of notes prepared for a museum education officer putting together an exhibition about Viking costume Size: n/a


Reproduction early medieval Benedictine monk's woollen robes and linen under garments produced for a professional costumed heritage interpreter Size: full length


One of a series of quickly constructed small sized illuminated gallery dioramas telling the story of the peasants revolt. Size: model 250mm square


Aged and patinated replica Tudor/Stuart spoons for a museum handling collection. Size: approx. 160mm long


One of a series of quickly constructed small sized illuminated gallery dioramas telling the story of the peasants revolt. Size: model 250mm square


Corporate, Advertising & Promotional Work.

1/500th scale topographical model built to aid a corporate planning application to develop land adjacent to nature reserve. Size: 2400mm long

Planning Model

Carved miniature cheeses produced for a publicity projects. Size: diameter 25mm

PR work

Detail from a shop window display diorama of a magpie's nest. Size: diameter 250mm

Window Displays

Graphic design work for a heritage education business. Size: n/a

Graphic design

1/12th scale model of a cocktail bar produced for a whisky promotion

PR work

Pseudo sports strips for live crickets produced for a publicity campaign. Size: length 15mm

PR work

Cast pewter key chains produced as merchandising or corporate giftware. Size: length 80mm


Prototyping work on a new discrete miniature lens mount system for an optical firm. Size: width 160mm


Simple model of a tennis net for use in a promotional project for a sports shoe manufacturer. Size: 75mm tall

PR work.

Bespoke corporate presentation piece made to a theme and subject matter relevant to the client's business. Size: 400mm wide

PR work.

Master pattern for a soap manufacturer to produce moulds from. Size: length 90mm


1/56th scale presentation piece produced to commemorate a military regiment's heritage. Size: diameter 120mm

PR work

Bespoke snow globe produced for a homeless charity promotional and fundraising event. Size: diameter 120mm

PR work

Creative work for Stage and Screen.

Bespoke snow globe produced for a homeless charity promotional and fundraising event. Size: diameter 120mm

Film props.

Life size physical prop of a robotic wasp based upon CGI models. Size: length 25mm

FX models.

Crude hand carved cattle bone crucifix in a simple early medieval style. Size: 50mm tall.


When approached about building a full size model of a Viking faering I went one better and working with professional boat builder delivered a fully functional replica. Size: approx. 5m long

Film props

Period bank note props (appropriate permissions gained from the Bank of England). Size: approx. 200mm long

Film props.

Hand painting of small 3D printed detailing parts for another FX model making studio incapable of satisfactorily completing such work in-house; completed overnight to meet a requirement to have the painted parts back in their studio the following day. Size: 30mm tall

FX models.

Viking treasure hoard comprised of assorted coins, rings, bracelets brooches and other pieces. Size: varied

Film props.

I supplied textiles and wardrobe accessories to the Oscar winning costumier Jacqueline Durran working on the film version of Macbeth Size: n/a


A lot of prop making is driven by changes of plan resulting in tight deadlines to get stuff in front of the camera without holding up a shoot. However, when fully functional 'olde worlde' tools were required for detailed close up film work of a 'pseudo medieval' stone mason at work I'd have preferred a reasonable amount of time to either source genuinely old tools or properly manufacture quality replicas of what was required. In this instance I had to drop everything and improvise quickly to go from initial confirmation of what was wanted, through finding suitable raw materials, to newly made tools and on to antiquing them in little more than three hours. So although fundamentally simple items I was pleased when they both met the director's approval in terms of aesthetics and functioned as well as the mason's modern tools. Size: approx. 300mm long

Film props.

Miscellaneous Other Creative Work

Acrylic on board painting of a client's home. Size: A4

Acrylic painting

Digital painting. Size: n/a

Digital Art

One from a small batch of 1/12th scale scratch built model post boxes produced for members of a pillar box preservation society. Size: approx. 80mm tall


Digital painting. Size: n/a

Digital Art

Hand made metal brooches. Size 60mm


Landscape Photography


Digital painting. Size: n/a

Digital Art

Simple hand painted carnival mask for a masked ball. Size: width 200mm


Digital painting. Size: n/a

Digital Art

Art work produced for a book cover. Size: 220mm long

Graphic design

Digital painting. Size: n/a

Digital Art

Photograph of an interesting rock texture


Digital painting. Size: n/a

Digital Art

Acrylic on board water fowl illustration. Size: A5

Acrylic painting

Digital painting. Size: n/a

Digital Art

Digital painting. Size: n/a

Digital Art

Hand made purple enamel brooch. Size 70mm wide


Digital painting. Size: n/a

Digital Art

Landscape photography on the Isle of Skye


Digital painting. Size: n/a

Digital Art

Photograph of an interesting rock texture


Digital skinning (painting personalised texture files in the bright emerald green requested by the client) for an aircraft from a WWI flight simulator. Size: n/a

Computer Games

Landscape photography


Digital painting. Size: n/a

Digital Art