Consultancy, Training Workshops and Demonstration Craft Work.
I've spent most of my life studying, either informally for fun or as an employee in situations ranging from museum archives, archaeological laboratories, university libraries or teaching in schools where there's more information about me and my background elsewhere on this site. The eclectic topics I've learnt about through making detailed and accurate models or replica artefacts has combined with my academic background and practical skills to result in increasing requests to fulfill some sort of advisory, research or educational role, rather than simply make a physical object; As such I've been employed to demonstrate skills, give talks or teach workshops at many exhibitions and clubs for amateur enthusiasts interested in different aspects of historic crafts, miniature art and model making, where there are a few free Notes & Tutorials on this site. Such invites have inevitably lead to more commercial enquiries assisting professional organisations.

The "assistance" professional clients require varies enormously. I've been paid as a copywriter supplying educational articles and "how to" guides for popular magazines (as well as one publisher who asked to print my research notes on the pewter industry of the 17th century). I've been paid to advise museum staff having to stage exhibitions or teach aspects of subjects they themselves are unfamiliar with. Others have seen me demonstrating craft skills at public events and approached me about performing for camera. So, whilst I'm no dramatic actor I have appeared in those costumed background recreations beloved of historical TV documentaries, and when required have delivered the occasional soundbite if interviewed as an expert "talking head". Non-specialists seemingly turn to me to "pick my brains" in terms of using my knowledge, skills, contacts and personal collection of replica costume tools and equipment to get them out of difficult situations when they don't know who else to turn to; exemplified by one producer who wanted to know if I had a contact capable of turning up on location to demonstrate early medieval stone carving in some close up shots to camera for a museum documentary. I didn't know any local specialist who would be free at such short notice, but I was able to quickly improvise the replica tools needed, and went along myself wearing replica ninth century costume I already owned so as to deliver the shots that were needed. What is more, discussion had highlighted other needs for the same production so later that day it was out with my seventeenth century costume assisting with other shots for the project.